Jeron Johnson’s “Just Give Food & Shoe Drive”

On Friday November 21, Seattle Seahawks defensive back Jeron Johnson will partner with local Seattle non-profit organization “Redeeming Soles” to launch Jeron Johnson’s “Just Give Thanksgiving Food & Shoe Drive.” All proceeds from this drive will be donated to the  Seattle community to help provide families with adequate food this upcoming Thanksgiving. Johnson and Redeeming Soles will also be raising awareness to the “No Child Left on the Sideline” campaign, an initiative that focuses on providing athletic shoes to children in sports programs that do not have the necessary resources to purchase athletic shoes.

“Redeeming Soles is excited to be partnering with Jeron this holiday season to help make an impact in the lives of those in need throughout the Seattle area,” said Jessica Reasy of Redeeming Soles. “Last thanksgiving we took a pair of shoes off of a little girls feet that were 3 sizes too small for her, you could actually see her toes though the front of her shoes. After lacing her up with a new pair of Brooks she took off across the gym yelling “look at me run”…  This was by far one of the biggest highlights of our holiday season. This year we are focused on having an even bigger impact on kids just like her as we launch our No Kid Left on the Sidelines Campaign.”

This event will take place on Friday, November 21st from 6 PM-8 PM at the Redeeming Soles Distribution Center, located at: 1244 Harrison Street Seattle, WA 98109.

For directions to the Redeeming Soles Distribution Center, click here.

For more information on Redeeming Soles, visit their website to find out how you can get involved this holiday season.


just give event


-The BG Sports Team